Here are a few pics I took this morning. I did a front twist of sorts. Not really caring about neatness, just something different to pull the hair out of my face. I couldn't get a good clear picture but I think you get the idea.
I looked in the mirror this morning and had to smile because I am a beautiful, natural woman. I never thought I would be at this point but I'm here and it's awesome! The time has flown but with each new day I feel blessed to have Sisterlocks. I really love my hair! I love my life and wouldn't trade it for the world.
I am toying around with learning how to maintain my own hair. I've always done it and have been pretty successful, but Sisterlocks may be an entirely different story. My main concern it aching arms, shoulders, and back. I suppose I could do a little at a time or just bribe my 13 year old daughter to do it for me. She has no interest whatsoever in doing hair so that might be a major feat.
Well I thought I would share my progress and pictures of my current state of hair affairs. Until next time be blessed and continue to enjoy your Sisterlock sister journey.