Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wrapping My Locks

I've been experimenting with different styles these days. My latest is wrapping light weight scarves around my head. I have a couple different colored scarves that match my shirts. Here are two pictures that showcase my new Sisterlock passtime.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Video Journal of My Sisterlock Journey

Here is a video chronicle of my two-year journey.

My T-shirt Line: No More Crumbs!

A few years ago I began recognizing my pattern of bad relationships and tried to understand why things were not working out for me.

I examined my thoughts and feelings as well as what I had been accepting from men and people in general.

I heard years ago that we teach people how to treat us. We accept positive or negative behavior based on what we think we deserve.

What we think we deserve is rooted in how we were treated as a kid and teen.

The reality is we accept pretty crappy treatment from people. Mostly because that's all we've know and it's familiar. We gravitate to people who are familiar to us.

Those people my treat us with kindness or with contempt. They may be emotionally abusive, physically abusive, or unavailable.

In the big picture the treatment we accept is learned but we can unlearn or reprogram our minds. That's what I did and to help me remember I created t-shirt.

I have proclaimed No More Crumbs. This means I will no longer accept the leftovers or crumbs people want to throw me. I deserve a very large piece of cake!

So check out the t-shirt and let me know you if you want one.